Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time for Spring Cleaning!

Did you know that most song birds will not re-use a box that has an old nest in it?  It is not certain why this is, but it may have to do with parasite and/or disease control.  Now is a good time to get outside and clean out your bluebird or other nest boxes.  If you were monitoring your boxes last spring, you probably know which species called your box home, but if you did not monitor you can tell by the type of nest they left behind.  Bluebirds make a nest 1 - 4 inches tall built of fine grasses with a relatively deep cup.  Tree swallows also use grass, but it is more coarse and the nest cup is not as deep. It may contain feathers or bits of paper.  House wrens make a nest of sticks that will nearly fill the box. The nest will have a deep cup lined with feathers or fine plant fibers.  They are less likely to use a box if it is 200 feet from wooded or brushy areas.  House sparrow are an undesirable, non-native species that should be discouraged.  Their build a tall nest of coarse grasses, often with pieces of scrap paper, cellophane, or other garbage. The nest forms a canopy with a tunnel-like entrance.  If your box had a house sparrow, you should consider removing it.

Remove the old nest material and discard it in your compost or just toss it into the woods.  If the box contains mouse droppings or looks un-appetizing due to mildew or other issues, it can be wiped out with a weak (10%) bleach solution and air-dried.  This is also a good time to complete any repairs: replace broken boards, tighten screws and nails, make sure closures are tight and so on. 

While you are cleaning and repairing, you may be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected occupant!  visit our Facebook page to see what Jen B. of Reading found in her wood duck box...